Friday, September 16, 2011

Let's get together....

So we had RAIN!!!! All day yesterday it rained off and on and it's been toying with it today as well. Considering the drought that's a very very good thing but I was a little worried about it putting the brakes on our Thursday practice. After work I went by our practice spot and in spite of the rain it was looking great, no mud, grass only mildly damp, and I opted NOT to cancel practice. Sadly two of my girls didn't make it but I wasn't going to let that spoil it for the 4 that did show up! We started again with our usual circle drill, toe touches and dribbling and re-hashing the basic concepts like "no hands" and "kick with the inside of your feet" before moving on to some more interesting games.

Remember those superstars and butterfly chasers I mentioned last time? Well, when you end up pitting three out of the four girls against the superstar in a scrimmage and then having to help the three by deliberately interfering with said superstar to try and make it even remotely fair the only thing I can think is "this girl is going to end up on a scholarship!" so I'm really hoping that I can keep her interested in and excited about the game. The butterflies on the other hand.....well I'm obviously failing as a coach in a couple of ways there. See, the way I figure it if the girls aren't particularly interested or focused it's more than likely because I'm not making it interesting enough to keep their attention. Going to have to find a way to reach them better without boring the other end of the spectrum. On the other hand, of course, it REALLY doesn't help that the one who needs the most help only comes to one practice a week because her mother obviously prioritizes cheer leading over soccer....because yeah....that's 4 year old appropriate.....:facepalm:

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